So it turns out there of loads of things you can do with empty Pringle Cans! And this one is my fave!

Now we all have plenty of plastic bags lying around. Wether it’s carrier bags, bin bags, sandwich bags or dog poo bags!
We are at a point where we don’t have carrier bags anymore but we do have a cat! That has a litter tray! So we do use small swing bin liners and larger bin liners to clean her out.
Anyway enough waffling! Down to the method.
Take a Pringle Can, some coloured paper and glue or tape and a pair or scissors.

Clean the Pringle Can with some cleaning spray or a wipe. Don’t get it too wet.
Cover the can with your paper of choice. I had this small book so I did a patchwork effect. I used clear tape because I didn’t want to wait for the glue to dry and I was out of hot glue! 😂. It’s not perfect but it’s going in a cupboard!

Next cut a hole in the lid. I found this easier to do a square. I just folded the plastic lid in half and make 2 cuts.

And you’re done! Just add your bags! And pull through the lid.
Now the bags that go in here need to be attached. So if you’re using this for carrier bags then loop each one through the handle of the one underneath. That way when you pull one out it will pull the next one through the lid 😊
I also found it more effective to unroll my bin liners and push them down into the can instead of leaving them in the roll. It just means they pull through easier 😁.
Give it a go and let me know what you think!
